How it Works and What to Expect
Healing Stress, Anxiety and Chronic Conditions with the Total Relief Method
The process of healing needs to come from a deep understanding of where the actual pain is originating—the actual source of the stress, anxiety and pain and not just the symptoms.
The Total Relief Method™ is a rapid recovery non-medical therapy that uses small and precise resistance motions called Calibrations to establish new signal patterns in the brain, mind and body. These Calibration motions are performed by a highly skilled certified practitioner with deep knowledge in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. The client is actively engaged in the process– setting this Method apart from all others. The certified practitioner uses specific ‘contact points’ that when touched by the practitioner triggers specific muscle reflexes. The client pushes against the practitioner’s hands while being guided verbally to move in precise direction, force, and speed. The proprietary motion recipe gently triggers the brain to switch into a hyper-learning state. During this state, the brain removes incorrect, inefficient or extraneous signals and replaces them with highly refined patterns not only for motion but for thinking, emotion, and behavior.
1. The entire body is governed by patterns in the brain that cooperate or create wellness or illness.
2. Trauma to the body/brain/mind is the primary cause of stress, anxiety, addiction and most chronic conditions.
3. Medication does not fix the cause of the problem.
4. Every muscle has an “on/off switch” in the brain.
5. Approximately 50% of a person’s stress, anxiety, and body pain is attributed to insufficient oxygen to the brain.
6. Where you feel the pain is almost never the source of the pain.
7. Observing a person’s walk reveals the mechanical postural sources and severity of chronic conditions.
8. Stress and Anxiety are antithetical to healing and satisfactory mental/physical performance.
9. Stress, anxiety and chronic conditions cannot exist in a calibrated body.
10. Muscles often become dysfunctional as a result of trauma/stress/anxiety which leads to degenerative joint (bone) diseases, inflammation, body pain, poor sleep, and postural problems.
Kinetic Sequencing™
Kinetic Sequencing™ is the discovery that a priority exists in human health treatment and it is not at all obvious. This explains why it has taken so long to uncover this incredible group of insights. The first is actually the only obvious one – breathing. However, science has now informed breathing principles into a precise program replacing the thousand year-old traditions. The result is a substantial gap between traditional techniques found in yoga for example, and science-based breathing. Our breathing process has been perfected through science and even though other techniques exist for scientific breathing, The Total Relief Method has uncovered a series of improvements over the ones some of you may be aware of and even practiced. So far, our client tell us about the superior results and in shorter time frames due to the application of good science and practical, progressive breathing enhancement. So Kinetic Sequencing begin with breathing and proceeds to the Jaw as described below. But what makes it different? In the brain, a certain finite number of neurons are dedicated to each part of the body. This region is referred to as the homunculus. The regions with the most neurons dedicated get the earliest attention because that’s where the greatest impact on Stress to the brain/body is located or prioritized. In this way, a precise, repeatable, reliable ‘track’ has been set forth for you in your treatment program – whether it is brief or elongated in duration.
Kinetic Sequencing also recognizes that Stress/Anxiety is at the root to nearly every disease or pain -be it physical or mental – that we have a name for. I mean really, we know this and have worldwide agreement about it. But we have not formulated a DIRECT attack on stress until the advent of Kinetic Sequencing. So it’s a blueprint that directs treatment to attack stress fundamentally and methodically.
At present, there are 185 precise bio-mechanical motions that make up the Kinetic Sequencing™ process. Each one of these motions causes your brain to enter into a hyper learning state — just like when you are learning anything new. If you are in chronic pain, then your brain has created a pattern for that pain and it most likely learned that pattern from a traumatic event—so let’s change it.
The entire Total Relief Method is split into 4 distinct phases. The first phase, deals with reducing or eliminating chronic pain and it is foundational for the other phases. Most people are happy to get rid of their chronic pain and can happily stop after the first phase is complete but there are also many others that choose to go through all 4 phases. You can discuss the merits of continuing past Phase 1 at any point with your Calibrationist.
The Process

Step 1
Assessment and Evaluation
Each client submits a detailed self-assessment and medical history that is reviewed and evaluated by a Certified Calibrationist prior to the first appointment. At the first appointment, further details will be discussed and the Certified Calibrationist will ask you to walk for several minutes to observe any correlations between your symptoms and the dynamic motions of your body (A person’s walk is extremely revealing). A Kinetic Sequencing protocol is created for your specific case.

Step 2
Oxygenating Your Brain and Body
Your Calibrationist will teach you the importance and show you how to get the right amount of oxygen to your brain and body by triggering your diaphragm muscle – the main breathing mechanism to function PROPERLY. Over 90% of people do not get enough oxygen because their diaphragm is inactive. By simply activating your diaphragm two amazing things happen: First, you get the ideal amount of oxygen into your system; and second, your diaphragm becomes a firm structural core muscle causing immediately improved upright posture and taking pressure off the lower back. Most clients experience an instant 50% reduction in pain just from learning to breathe with an activated and calibrated diaphragm.

Step 3
Kinetic Sequencing to Activate and Calibrate Specific Muscles
Your Calibrationist will guide the specific muscles and joints that are most greatly influencing your chronic conditions through small, slow and precise bio-mechanical motions – these motions are called Calibrations. For example, if you are experiencing neck pain, your Calibrationist may work on activating and calibrating your jaw (specifically your TMJ) and your feet as they both are intricately linked to the vertebrae in your neck.