Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Stress Hormone Production Factor (SHPF) test?

At the Rubenstein Center, we have come up with a way to estimate your predisposition for stress hormone production by calculating the results of two simple breathing tests. These tests play a key role for measuring your ability to deliver oxygen to your brain and body. The respiratory rate test measures how many breaths you take per minute when you are at rest – 12 to 18 breaths/min is considered normal but we like to see it below 12. The more breaths you need to take the more oxygen deprived you tend to be. The second test is known as a controlled pause and it measures the length of time you can comfortably pause your breathing after a normal exhale. The more oxygenated and healthy you are the longer you will be able to pause your breath. We like to see controlled pauses above 30 seconds. Take a moment to find your own stress hormone production factor by testing yourself online You’ll get your results instantly.


2. What is chronic pain?”

Chronic pain can be defined as pain that lasts in excess of 3 months and that does not heal within expected time frames. Pain is also deemed to be chronic if it does not respond to treatments, keeps coming back and/or increases over time in either frequency or intensity.


3. What is Stress?

Stress and anxiety can only be felt when your stress hormones are elevated. At its core, stress is a physiological condition and not an emotional one and it cannot be treated by simply changing your outlook on life. Positive and negative emotions are felt in relation to the balance of stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine) and the feel good hormones (serotonin and dopamine). The easiest way to manage stress hormones is to make sure your brain is receiving enough oxygen. You can test your predisposition for excess stress hormone production by taking our online Stress Hormone Producton Factor test.


4. How much does the Rubenstein Method cost?

When it comes to chronic pain, we do not charge for the number of sessions or by the hour. We only charge based on the outcome of the treatment for you. During your initial assessment, you and your Calibrationist will determine the degree of pain elimination that you can expect. If we do not achieve that level of relief for you then you can choose to continue treatments at no additional cost or you may ask for your money back. Bottom line – we don’t want your money if we cannot reduce or eliminate your pain. In many cases a substantial amount of pain is reduced after the initial Discovery Session which is available now for just $225.


5. What if my stress/anxiety is not greatly reduced or eliminated – is there a guarantee?

YES! Our promise to you is that we will greatly reduce your stress and anxiety. If we do not do that to your satisfaction, we will attribute 100% of what you paid us towards another treatment of your choice payable to any other medical or alternative medical professional. Why can we make such a guarantee? Because we have a 97.8% success rate with our clients and quite frankly, if we didn’t help you, we don’t feel we deserve your money.


6. What is calibration?

A person is deemed to be calibrated when all the muscles in the body have been both activated and orchestrated (calibrated) to allow the brain, nervous system and the body to work as intended. Calibration has the benefit of eliminating chronic pain, increasing metal clarity and enhancing physical strength and endurance.


7. What is Kinetic Sequencing™

Kinetic Sequencing™ is the process of guiding various parts of the body through precise, 4cm per second motions at 10% of maximum effort. This breakthrough process activates and calibrates the neuro-muscular system by triggering the brain to observe and correct nervous system errors thereby restoring body and brain functions to a pre-trauma state. The result is an almost instant and lasting reduction of chronic pain.


8. What kinds of chronic pain can you have the greatest effect on?

Once we understand what causes chronic pain, we can begin to treat it right at its source. One of the core tenets of calibration is that chronic pain cannot exist in calibrated body. As such we have had success rate of greatly reducing or eliminating the following common chronic pains:

  • Arthritis
  • Low back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Knee pain
  • Neck pain
  • Carpal Tunnel syndrome
  • Migraine headaches
  • Hip pain
  • Herniated disks (if less than 7mm herniation)

9. What qualifications does it take to be a Certified Calibrationist™?

All practitioners are certified by Dr. David Rubenstein, PhD, the creator of brain-body calibration and Kinetic Sequencing™. Our program is open everyone who has the dedication and desire to serve others through the use of these unique methods. Before being accepted into our training program, everyone must whole-heartedly believe in our core purpose of “Living to your potential” and show a history of living their lives in accordance with our Core Values.